Monday, January 15, 2024

First Grade News: January 15th

     Peek at the Week: 

Want to hear about our week? Ask your child the following questions:

  • Can you solve these problems using a number line? 

  • What is VISUALIZING? Can you read this poem to me and tell me what you visualize?
  • Can you read the following sight words?
    • him
    • into
    • time
    • has
    • look
  • Who is Super-E? What is his super power?

Can you read these super-e words?

  • What do you remember about these vocabulary words?

We read the SILLY book Wait and See to help us get writing ideas for writing about a big wish!
  • What did you wish for, and what would happen if you got TOOOOO much of what you wished for?
Things to Know:

Conferences: Stay tuned for an e-mail regarding conference signups. It will be sent on Wednesday of this week!

Winter Weather: There are MANY students missing snow gear. Now that there is snow on the ground, please remember to pack boots, snow pants, hats, and gloves for your child. Students are welcome to keep their snow gear in their lockers, too! 

We will be outside every day for recess, UNLESS:

Outdoor actual temp is BELOW 0 degrees
Outdoor windchill is BELOW -10 degrees

If you need support in ensuring your child has access to outdoor gear, please reach out to our family support worker, Steph Hogan @

  • Bookflix is a PTA sponsored learning subscription through Scholastic. It is a site that provides engaging animated fiction titles that model fluent reading for students. In addition, each fiction story is paired with a non-fiction title that can also be read aloud to your child. Students recently learned how to log in on their own using the following login code: 

Give it a try! It is a lot of fun!

 Upcoming Dates:
  • 1/25-No School: End of Quarter 
  • 1/26- No School: Staff Professional Development
  • 2/1 - Winter Conferences 3-8 pm
  • 2/6 - Winter Conferences 3-8 pm
  • 2/7 - Field Trip! Minneapolis Institute of Arts
  • 2/8 - Field Trip! Dodge ("Birds of a Feather")
  • 2/14 - Kindness Day
 Picture Time!

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