Thursday, May 9, 2013

Important Reminders *and* May PHOTOS! :-)

Good afternoon!

I hope you are having a wonderful week. We have been busy, busy bees this spring at Somerset! Here are a couple of important reminders for the rest of the week:

1. MAP Testing: TOMORROW at 8:30 a.m, your child will be taking the 2nd half of the reading assessment. Knowing how much we have learned this year, students have A LOT to be proud of! I hope they see this as a chance to really "show off" what they know. Please encourage your child to get a lot of rest tonight after the concert and to eat a healthy breakfast tomorrow morning. Also, please ensure that your child arrives at school on time so that he/she can get settled before testing begins.

2. Black Tie Assembly: TOMORROW! After testing, students will be invited to a fun, fancy assembly in honor of teacher appreciation week. I know that staff will be dressing the part (think dresses and ties), and students are invited to as well. I can't wait!

3. Fish? Anybody? We are looking for homes for our beloved goldfish. If you are interested and are willing to care for a fish, please let me know. Fish will be available for pick-up next week! The fish will need a bowl or tank, waterweed (or some kind of bubbler), food, and water drops.

4. Library Check-out: The LAST week for library checkout is next Wednesday, May 15th. After that time, students will be asked to return all library materials. I will also be collecting our class take-home books at that time as well. 

I think that's it (for now)! For those of you who stuck around until the end, please enjoy some May (and some of April) photos!

:-D Mrs. B