Friday, February 21, 2014

Reading Club (and other fun things!)

Okay...I admit it: I have fallen behind in our Reading Club.

I've fallen behind in moving stars. I've fallen behind in tallying up totals. I've even fallen behind in celebrating with students. This is a shameful, terrible thing! 

However, thanks to mother nature completely dumping all of her winter snow on us last night, I've had a chance to catch up! Come Monday, your child will see his/her name on a new star in a new place in our classroom. Your child will also be greeted with a merry celebration of all of our reading this year. Horray!

By the end of the year, our 2nd grade goal is to have read at least 200 books at home. I am so excited because many students have already met that goal- and it's only February! Let's celebrate some of those students! (Why wait until Monday?!) :-)

CONGRATULATIONS goes out to these students:

200 Book Club:
*Honorable Mention goes to Lucas for being at 196! Almost there!

300 Book Club:
Joseph K.

400 Book Club:
Nathan F.

500 Book Club:

WOO HOO! Way to go, 2nd graders! Remember to turn in your February charts at the end of the week! Keep read, read, reading!

*Phew!* That was fun. 
Now, take a look at some other fun stuff that has been happening at Somerset!

Olympic Fun!

Indoor recess and buddy reading:

Floats before the Olympic opening ceremony!


Landforms and map-making!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Learning how to divide:

100th Day of School Fun:


Have a great weekend!

-Mrs. B