Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Weekly Update: Winter Break Edition


Winter Break Learning Ideas:

  • Sight Word Search - Kids love using post-its to practice sight words, letters, and words.  Ask your student to write sight words or letters on post-its, and post them around the house.  Send your K kiddo on a sight word hunt to collect and read the sight words!  Maybe include colors - "find all of the pink post-its and read them in 1 minute";  "find all of the green post-its and write a list"! 

  • Math Card Games- A simple deck of cards is all you need to have fun with numbers over the holidays! Take a look at this post for ideas for your child!


MIA- Chaperones Needed!

  • Our class will be visiting the Minneapolis Institute of Arts on Tuesday, January 10th from 9:20-11:40 a.m. with our 4th grade buddies!
  • If you are interested in chaperoning, please let me know. You are welcome to ride the bus with us at 9:20, meeting at the front office. If you wish to meet us there, you can plan on arriving to the museum at 10:00 a.m.
  • Students will be split into 4 small groups- please notify me if you plan on attending so I can arrange our groups accordingly!

Mystery Readers!



Reading Volunteers: You're invited!

Who: Friends and Family of our Somerset Stars

What: We are looking for helpers that are willing to meet with students one-on-one on the following categories:
  • Sight word practice
  • CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant words, such at cat, hop, him)
  • Sentence fluency
Volunteers will be given an easy to follow binder with all materials and directions so they can hit the ground running with students! The expectation would be to meet with each child for approximately 5-10 minutes, for as long as you are able. It is a "come when you can, leave when you want" gig! 

When: We are looking for volunteers Monday-Friday from 10:00-11:00 a.m. (You choose the dates that work for you and the length of time you can stay within the given time frame.) I just chose the most consistent window of time within our schedule, but if you are interested in a different time of day, just let me know and I would be happy to figure something out! 

Library Books:
We have library time every Tuesday morning. Please help remind your child to return their books on Tuesday (or any day prior!) so they are ready to check-out books. 

 Please remember to send your child with a snack each day. We do have some extras for those rushed mornings. We are always happy to take donations for extra snacks if you are able. Thank you!

Somerset Directory: Check the Somerset E-News for our Somerset school directory! It is a great resource for when trying to plan playdates, birthday parties, and other events! 

Important Dates:

Tuesday, January 3- School Resumes
Tuesday, January 10- MIA Field Trip (9:20-11:40)
Monday, January 16- No School (MLK Holiday)

Picture Time!

The view from our classroom! So beautiful.

Happy Holidays!