Friday, November 18, 2022

Weekly Update: November 18

  Peek at the Week: 

Want to hear about our week? Ask your child the following questions:

  • If 5 + 5 = 10, what does 5 + 6 =?
  • If 4 + 4 = 8, what does 4 + 3 =?
  • If 6 + 6 = 12, what does 6 + 7 = ?

  • How do you know if a number is ODD or EVEN?

  • What happened in the story The Extraordinary Egg? Can you retell the story?
  • Can you read the following sight words?
    • were
    • other
    • her
    • water
    • first
  • Can you say these words with the following ending blends?

  • What do you remember about these vocabulary words?

We used the book The Family Book to help us get writing ideas for writing about a family member!
  • What family member did you write about? 
Science: How can you observe space without leaving earth? What are some things you can observe with a telescope?


Pajama and Movie Party! Kindergarten and first grade classes earned a PJ and Movie Party as a reward for reading SO MANY minutes during the Read-a-Thon! We will be having our pj party on Tuesday, November 22!

Winter weather is on its way!
  • Check out this helpful poster from our School Age Care program!

Guided Reading Books and Packets: A few weeks ago, I sent students home with a yellow packet titled "My Reading Packet." I suppose it would be helpful if I explained what it is all about!

Students will be taking home a new paper book roughly each week. It is so helpful to re-read these books at home, as they reinforce the skills taught in small group reading. These packets are meant as an optional way to further engage with the books and provide extra practice with sight words, comprehension, and sentence writing. If you are able, I encourage you to place the packet along with your child's growing collection of paper books and refer to it whenever you're looking for a little extra way to practice reading at home!

Pioneer Press Submissions: Every year, the Pioneer Press hosts the following writing contest: 

Attention, first-graders: Whether it’s your parents, your school or the mashed potatoes you’re planning to pile on your plate at Thanksgiving, the Pioneer Press wants to know about it.
Describe what you’re thankful for and why in 30 words or less, and we’ll choose some to share with our readers the Sunday before Thanksgiving. You are welcome to submit artwork to go along with your description. Include your name, age, school and where you live, and put your name on the back of your artwork.
We submitted our work and are excited to see if any of our writing will be featured! The newspaper will be running first grade writing in the Sunday Pioneer Press (November 20th). You can find ALL of our class' writing in our latest class book found in your child's green folder!

Library Books:
We have library time every Tuesday morning. Please help remind your child to return their books on Tuesday (or any day prior!) so they are ready to check-out books. 

Thank you to all that have donated extra snacks for our class! Please remember to send your child with a snack each day. We do have extras for those rushed mornings. We are always happy to take donations for extra snacks if you are able. Thank you!

Somerset Directory: Check the Somerset E-News for our Somerset school directory! It is a great resource for when trying to plan playdates, birthday parties, and other events! 

Important Dates:

Wednesday, November 23- Fall Break Begins
Monday, November 28- School Resumes
Thursday, December 15- First Grade Concert (6 - 8:30 p.m.)

Picture Time!

Friday, November 11, 2022

Weekly Update: November 11, 2022

 Peek at the Week: 

Want to hear about our week? Ask your child the following questions:

  • Can you solve these doubles facts?

  • What happened in the story The Stray Dog? Can you tell me about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end?
  • Can you read the following sight words?
    • what
    • when
    • or
    • for
    • more
  • Can you read these R-blend words?

  • What do you remember about these vocabulary words?

We used the book The Most Thankful Thing to help us get writing ideas for a special contest through the Pioneer Press!
  • What did you write about in your Pioneer Press "Thankful" submission? 
Social Studies: What is Veteran's Day? How did you show thanks for our veterans in the community?

Smart Art:
We made a festive quilt to help us practice skip counting in a fun way! Take a look and ask your child the following questions:
  1. How many turkey feathers are on the quilt? (there are 5 per turkey)
  2. How many yellow squares are on the quilt? (there are 5 per patch)
  3. If there are 5 quilt squares per row and 7 rows, how many quilt squares do we have on the quilt in total?
  4. BONUS: What is the total number of BOTH turkey feathers and yellow squares?


Pajama and Movie Party! Kindergarten and first grade classes earned a PJ and Movie Party as a reward for reading SO MANY minutes during the Read-a-Thon! We will be having our pj party on Tuesday, November 22!

Winter weather is on its way!
  • Check out this helpful poster from our School Age Care program!

Library Books:
We have library time every Tuesday morning. Please help remind your child to return their books on Tuesday (or any day prior!) so they are ready to check-out books. 

Thank you to all that have donated extra snacks for our class! Please remember to send your child with a snack each day. We do have extras for those rushed mornings. We are always happy to take donations for extra snacks if you are able. Thank you!

Somerset Directory: Check the Somerset E-News for our Somerset school directory! It is a great resource for when trying to plan playdates, birthday parties, and other events! 

Important Dates:

Wednesday, November 23- Thanksgiving Break Begins
Monday, November 28- School Resumes

Picture Time!