Monday, May 15, 2017

Sunshine and Smiles Week of 5/8-5/12

Last Week:

Ask your child about these things at school:

  • How can you use the number grid to add and subtract tens quickly?

  • Can you tell me about your bio poem?
  • What is a fact? What is an opinion?
  • What does re- mean (as in reread)? What about un (as in unfair)? Last one... pre (as in pretest)?
  • Who is your character in the Anansi plays? Can you read your script to me?

A Peek at THIS Week:

Looking ahead...

  • I can review fractions as parts of a whole.

  • I can write an opinion.
  • I can show how much I've grown. (Assessment week!)
  • I can describe the life cycle of a chick!

Things to Know:

MAP TESTING: MAP stands for Academic Measures of Progress, which is a computer-based assessment that we use to measure growth from the beginning to end of the school year. Your child will be assessed in reading THIS WEEK on Wednesday. Please make sure your child arrives at school on time and has had a full night's rest and nutritious breakfast. Thank you!

BOOK CHECKOUT: Friday is our LAST book checkout! Please make sure to turn in any library books your child has gotten by the end of next week (May 26).

SAVE THE DATE! Our end of year celebration will be on Monday, June 5th at 1:00 p.m. We would love to have you come and see our performance of "Anansi the Spider!"

SNACK SHOP: The snack shop is in full swing! We are looking for just a few more donations to help us continue the fun through the end of the year. (We have fruit snacks, but if you are able to contribute anything else to add variety, we would appreciate it so much!) THANK YOU!

CAMP IST GRADE: Check out this flyer for the fun events!

Upcoming Dates:

  • 5/17: MAP Reading (9 a.m)
  • 5/24: MAP Math (9 a.m.)
  • 5/25: 3/4th Grade Concerts
  • 5/26: Field Day
  • 5/28: Tentative "Hatch Date" for chickens!
  • 5/29: No School- Memorial Day
  • 5/30: Field Day (Rain Date!)
  • 6/1: 1st/2nd Grade Concerts
  • 6/2: Spring Carnival
  • 6/5: End of Year Celebration- 1:00 p.m.
  • 6/6: Field Trip: Gale Woods Farm (Pack a lunch OR order a bag from cafeteria)
  • 6/8: Last Day! (Dismiss at 11:15) :-(

Fun in First Grade! (Photos)

Aaaand just for fun... A couple of baby Michael! ;-)

Take care!
-Mrs. B :-)

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