Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How is the end so near?! :-( Week of May 22-26

Last Week:

Ask your child about these things at school:

  • Can you read this analog clock? (If you have one!) *At this time, students should know time to the half hour, although we have discussed up to time to the 5-minutes!
  • How have you grown as a writer this year?
  • What is happening in Pippi Longstocking?
  • Can you give an example of a fact and an opinion?
  • How many chicks hatched? Can you describe them?

A Peek at THIS Week:

Looking ahead...

  • I can review time, place value, and money!

  • I can write about something I like.
  • I can read my play part with accuracy and fluency!
  • I can name the parts of a chicken!

Things to Know:

LIBRARY BOOKS: If you haven't already, please return all library books and take-home book folders as soon as possible. Thank you!

YOU'RE INVITED! Our end of year celebration will be on Monday, June 5th at 1:00 p.m. We would love to have you come and see our performance of "Anansi the Spider!"

TOY REMINDER: This is just a friendly reminder that all toys should be kept at home unless it is your child's show-and-share day. They are weaseling their way into the classroom at an alarming rate. Thank you for your understanding!

SPRING CARNIVAL: Come one, come all! Somerset's AMAZING PTA is hosting another fun family event this Friday from 6-8 p.m. It is free to attend and a great way to have fun with your family while getting to know other Somerset friends!

CAMP FIRST GRADE: Take a look at the info below! We are all set to go with donation volunteers (THANK YOU) and ready for a fun week!

Upcoming Dates:

  • 6/1: 1st/2nd Grade Concerts
  • 6/2: Spring Carnival
  • 6/5: End of Year Celebration- 1:00 p.m.
  • 6/6: Field Trip: Gale Woods Farm (Pack a lunch OR order a bag from cafeteria)
  • 6/8: Last Day! (Dismiss at 11:15) :-(

Fun in First Grade! (Photos)

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