Friday, May 17, 2024

First Grade News: May 17th


Peek at the Week: 

Want to hear about our week? Ask your child the following questions:

  • What numbers are missing on this number grid? How do you know?  

  • Can you spot these Non-Fiction Text Features in a book from home? 

WRITING: We wrote about our favorite first grade memories and reflected on how much our writing has improved over the course of the year! Ask your child: Can you show me your writing journal? Let's see how much you've grown this year!

Things to Know:


Snapology- (Tues, May 21) Our bus is leaving Somerset at 11:00 am. We will arrive at Snapology at 11:30 am and students will be there until 1:30. We return to school at 12:00 and will eat lunch right before we leave for the trip. You do not need to pack a home lunch. Students will be able to get school lunch on this day if they choose. 

Ivy Falls Park- (Tuesday, June 4th) We will leave Somerset at 10am. Parents please meet us in the front hall. We will walk to the park and have a picnic lunch. If you did not order a school lunch please make sure to pack a lunch for your child. We plan to walk back around noon. 

Next week, we will start our countdown to summer. Each day we have a special activity planned for our first graders that will be revealed on a paper chain countdown each morning during calendar time. It's a fun way to wrap up such a fabulous year!


Important Dates:

5/21- Snapology field trip
5/27- No School Memorial Day
6/4- Walk to Ivy Falls Park picnic
6/5- Somerset Spring Carnival
6/6- Last Day of School
6/8- Somerset Garage Sale

Picture Time!

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