Peek at the Week:
Want to hear about our week? Ask your child the following questions:
- Can you solve these problems using a number line?
- What is VISUALIZING? Can you read this poem to me and tell me what you visualize?
- Can you read the following sight words?
- him
- into
- time
- has
- look
- Who is Super-E? What is his super power?
Can you read these super-e words?
- What do you remember about these vocabulary words?
We read the SILLY book Wait and See to help us get writing ideas for writing about a big wish!
- What did you wish for, and what would happen if you got TOOOOO much of what you wished for?
- Who is the Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade? How did she make her school a better place?
Things to Know:
Dodge Nature Center: We will be taking a trip to Dodge Nature Center on February 5th from 11:45-1:25. We will be learning about "Birds of a Feather." If you would like to chaperone, please let me know. We'd love to have you join us!
Conferences: Conferences are coming up and I cannot wait to meet with you! Our final round of conferences will be in-person conferences in your child's classroom. If you are meeting with teachers for multiple children, please make sure you give yourself transition time between meetings.
Conference slots are 20 minutes long and will take place on January 30th or February 4th. Please sign up for 1 conference slot per student. Please click here to sign up!
Winter Weather: Now that there is snow on the ground, please remember to pack boots, snow pants, hats, and gloves for your child. Students are welcome to keep their snow gear in their lockers, too!
We will be outside every day for recess, UNLESS:
Outdoor actual temp is BELOW 0 degrees
Outdoor windchill is BELOW -10 degrees
If you need support in ensuring your child has access to outdoor gear, please reach out to our family support worker, Steph Hogan @
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: On Friday, we learned about the Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. in honor of Monday's upcoming holiday. For many of our first grade friends, this was their first exposure to Martin Luther King, Jr, his life, and the civil rights movement. We had some big conversations and a lot of questions.
We watched a video from BrainPopJr about MLK and read an issue of Scholastic News. We also read a book titled, All the Colors We Are: The Story of How We Get our Skin Color. We discussed that, although sometimes we hear skin referred to as "white" or "black," we all have skin that is a different shade of brown. We get our skin color in three ways: our parents and ancestors, from the sun, and from melanin. Everybody's skin color is special and unique, and it is one of the many things that makes us special. While it's okay to be proud of your own skin, it's never okay to treat others differently because of their skin color. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, regardless of how they look. Students were engaged in learning about Dr. King and may be eager to share their newfound knowledge at home.
- Bookflix is a PFG sponsored learning subscription through Scholastic. It is a site that provides engaging animated fiction titles that model fluent reading for students. In addition, each fiction story is paired with a non-fiction title that can also be read aloud to your child. We will be learning how to log-in next week on Thursday or Friday. Feel free to try it out at home for a sneak peek!
Give it a try! It is a lot of fun!
Upcoming Dates:
January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 21 - No School - Science of Reading Training for Elementary Teachers
- January 22 - No School - End of Quarter Day Report Card Day for Elementary Teachers
- January 30 & February 4 - Conferences
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