Friday, April 12, 2024

First Grade News: April 12


Peek at the Week: 

Want to hear about our week? Ask your child the following questions:

  • What are the names of these shapes? 


  • What animal life cycle did you study this week? What did you learn about box turtles?
  • Can you read this poem (and show me the actions)? 

  • Can you read these OU/OW words? (Diphthongs) 


  • What do you remember about these vocabulary words?

WRITING: In our non-fiction writing unit, we interviewed a classmate! Students then took their information and used it to write an article about their friend. Ask: What facts did you learn about your partner from interviewing him/her?


Things to Know:

This week, we learned about a new word in terms of personal space and friendships: boundaries. We know that sports courts have boundaries, but what about people? Take a look at an overview of ways we discussed boundaries in friendships and feel free to continue the conversation at home! Lesson Credit: The Responsive Counselor
We discussed both boundary respecting and boundary crossing examples of each and then had plenty of opportunities to practice as we enjoyed the beautiful sunshine at outdoor choice time throughout the week!

NUMBER SCROLLS: Thank you so much for helping us gather the materials to start our number scroll project! We are eager to start our number scrolls where students will practice writing the numbers 1-1,000 in order to better understand place value! Take a look at some of Somerset's previous "1,000 Club" members!

Autism Acceptance Month:
April is Autism Acceptance Month. This is a month that is very dear to us because we have many friends within our grade level who we see throughout the day from Somerset's autism program classrooms. We love to learn from each other and have grown our skills in empathy and understanding so much this year. Check out our announcements for more information! 

Green Take Home Folders
Please help your first grader to remember their green folders every week. Typically they hand them in on Mondays, but any day of the week is okay as long as they are returned by Friday morning. We have had many forgotten folders over the past few weeks. Please help with those reminders, thank you!

Important Dates:

4/26- No School- Professional Development day
4/30- Dodge Nature Center field trip (8:50-11:15) Sounds of Nature *Contact me if you are interested in chaperoning this trip :-)

Picture Time!

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