Monday, February 12, 2024

First Grade News (Week of 2/12)

      Peek at the Week: 

Want to hear about our week? Ask your child the following questions:

    What are the fact families for these sets of numbers?

  • What are some of the things you can do when you READ? Can you read this poem with me?
  • Can you read the following sight words?
    • who 
    • am
    • now
    • called
    • its
  • What sounds do ea and ee make in words? 

Can you read these ee/ea words?

  • What do you remember about these vocabulary words?
    • (With all of our field trips, we unfortunately never got to vocabulary this week!)

We began a non-fiction writing unit based on animal research!

  • What animal are you writing about? 


     Things to Know: 

Classroom Wish List: 

So many of you were kind enough to ask if there was anything our classroom needs while we met at conferences last night! Throughout the year, I add to my own amazon "school list" of things that I plan on buying for the classroom. On it, there are maintenance items such as small eraser pads for our whiteboards, magic eraser sponges, and other things that our classroom just needs to function. I did, however, add some other items that would be nice to have such as new books and things to keep our choice time bins exciting! If you are interested, you can visit the list on amazon here. Thank you so much!

Field Trip to Dodge:
We have our 2nd field trip to Dodge next week to learn about birds. An information sheet about the trip is attached. Thank you to those of you that have signed up to chaperone- It should be a lot of fun!

100th Day:
Our 100th day of school will be on Friday, February 16th. To celebrate we will be dressing up like we are 100 years old! I attached an information sheet with some ideas to help you plan how to help dress your first grader! I love to join in on the fun on this special day too. It's always fun to see all of the creative ideas!

Kindness Day:
Rather than focusing on store bought cards and candy for Valentine's Day, we take the opportunity to involve students more authentically. 
In order for this event to be a success we need donations of items for the stations, as well as volunteers to help run stations the day of the event. Donation needs and volunteer opportunities can be found by clicking on this link.

We do ask that you do not send any Valentine cards or candy to school with your child. We will accept any unaddressed Valentines for donations to Neighbors, Inc., which serves families in northern Dakota County. 

Raffle Basket:

It is that time of year again for the Somerset Social! We are doing a raffle basket for each grade level at Somerset for this year’s fundraiser. This is a part of the Silent Auction and Somerset’s biggest fundraiser of the year! This is a great opportunity to re-gift an item/gift card, or give a monetary donation if you're simply done with malls and shopping.


This year’s first grade raffle basket theme is…. “Spring break STAYCATION!” 

Below is a list of items that would be fun to include in this year’s basket:

-board games

-gift cards to local restaurants

-cozy family PJ’s


-movie tickets


-s’mores kit

Please plan to have all contributions to us by February 13th 

Here’s how to donate: 

1. Venmo, you can Venmo Lindsey directly. These funds will be used to add additional items to our basket. Please include “first grade basket” in the purpose 

2. Physical items. Please email one of us directly, we’ll coordinate a time to meet. 


If you have any questions about the event or would like to donate an item, please reach out to us. Let’s make this year’s basket our best yet!

     Important Dates:

Wednesday 2/14: Kindness Day!

Friday 2/16: 100th Day of School 

Monday 2/19: No School (President's Day)

     Picture Time!

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